Saturday, July 23, 2011

What's wrong with my computer?

Most likely when you restored, it returned to a date prior to the installation of a program that was used to open the file you are trying to open. For example, it is a wma file and the restore point was before you instaleld windows media player (which plays wma files). What you need to do is find out what program it is the you are missing and redownload/reinstall it. Do a google search for the file extension of the file you are attempting to open and that should give you a good clue what the program you had that is used to open it.

IBM Netfinity 3500 1-3-1 beep code - what is it?

I received a IBM Netfinity 3500 from someone and it gives me a 1-3-1 beep code and nothing comes on the screen. It's a Pentium II and has SCSI, IDE, and Floppy connections on the motherboard and I don't know much else about it. Please Help!

What is Muslims' fault if Brits are abandoning Churches?

and Muslims are buying and converting them to Mosques? They do pay money for the property but some Christians say that Muslims are taking over UK like this.

Advent t9003 upgrading need help?

your computer is out dated windows 7 needs at least 1gb to run but 2gb to run smoothly.get a new motherboad a intel socket 1156 ddr3 so you can upgrade later.

How do I take care of a kitten? Please help quickly.?

You will need to get formula for the kitten. They make special formula for kittens that you can buy at animal hospitals for sure and maybe pet stores. The kitten must be fed every two hours. Raising a kitten is a huge commitment! You should get to a vet soon to determine it's age so you will know if it needs milk or solid foods. If it is young, it will need to be kept warm and fed frequently. If it is older, say 6 weeks or so, it may eat solids. If it is trying to suckle, it needs milk. Maybe try giving it water to see if it drinks... Good Luck! Definitely get to a vet soon! Also, surf the web for advice!

Question about bosnians and gypsys.?

Okay so I was in class and I was listening to two of my bosnian friends talk about their weekend and how they went to a carnival and one said to the other, omg their were so many Gypsies there. The other one was like ewee I know. I automatically asked what a Gypsy was. My Bosnian friend said that they were the Bosnians that no one else liked, they were from a different part of Bosnia, they had darker skin and spoke broken Bosnian.. She said I couldnt tell who was a Gypsy and who wasnt but she could because she was Bosnian. She compared the Gypsies to American white trash, how they talk and act different, but american "white trash" isnt all a differnet skin color. Was this a good comparison? Please explainn! thankss. :)

Is my desire dangerous? I can't stop thinking about sex?

it's probably time to start valuing yourself a little more these days. sex isn't all you are. find someone who really loves you for YOU, and not just empty sex. start thinking differently and contain this overpowering urge to always engage in sex. you're worth far more than that.

Bosnian-English translator.?

I am looking for someone to translate something for me, it's rather long to post here. It's important so please help me.

Serbian/Croatian classes in Chicago?

Seriously, I can't find anything! Does anyone know somewhere i can take serbian/bosnian/croatian language lessons in Chicago?

What would you do? (helppp please if you can relate or have advice)?

I have sever abandonment issues from my father leaving me and my mom being her but not really being here for me. So every time I get into a relationship I'm expecting to get abandoned and when it doesn't happen and I'm actually getting the love I want I start feeling suffocated and as if the person is being too clingy and I begin to push them away. and potentially I stop talking to them or they get start getting feelings for me and I don't want to hurt them anymore so I just end it, or try to be friends. I want to stop doing this but I don't know how anyone going through this or anyone have any advice?? I've tried to force myself to stay but its so hard and uncomfortable even if I care about the person my abandonment issues always always take over.

Im 13 my penis is 5 inches hard 3 floppy is that normal ?

you are bigger than most 13YO boys but that's fine. 13YO are usually 1.5" - 2.2" flaccid and 2.5" - 3.5" erect. enjoy what you have

Have Young Earth Creationists abandoned the "living fossils" argument that used to claim that various.....?

These people are desperate, so they cling to any idiotic idea. The problem for them is that the 'gaps' in which 'god' can hide are getting smaller and smaller, so they have to recycle arguments, even tho' they know they have been destroyed, in hopes of winning a small skirmish in the presence of a younger generation.

What do Russians think of the arrest of Bosnian Serb war criminal Ratko Mladic?

Most Russians believe he is innocent, and so do I. In fact, based on the fact that Dr. Karadzic and General Mladic did everything in their capacity to achieve peace, or at least, to end the war as quickly as possible, in order to achieve peace, they-Dr. Karadzic and General Mladic-should be awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace. Alternatively, and given the state of a de-facto genocide in South Africa, where farmers of a certain ethnicity are systematically murdered, Janusz walos and Clive Derby-Lewis, who shot dead and was behind the shooting, respectively, of a "former" terrorist (and also allegedly plotted to assassinate the despicable criminal who indicted Dr. Karadzic and General Mladic) should get this prize.

Cowboy hat, floppy hat, or baseball cap?

depends on who is wearing it. Some look really good in a cowboy hat. Some look good in a baseball cap. I am not so sure about the floppy hat though.

Which Ethnicity/Nationality/Religion do I belong to?

We all know Croatians whether from Bosnia, Slovenia, Croatia, United States, or Germany who practice Catholicism and Croatian customs such as yourself are considered a Croat hands down. Be proud of your Serbian and Bosnian heritage as well because I am sure your Serbian ancestors are! Your heritage shares similar language, cuisine, dance, art, and brutal past history as your other ethnic relatives so embrace whatever you choose whether it be a Croat or Serb.

Al-Qaeda recruiting white Caucasians? WTH?

There were two soccer moms (both blonde) who were recruited a couple of years ago (one was from Tennessee). Al Quaida had been doing this for years and years. Another thing they do is try to hook up with an American woman and marry her, thus making themselves legit. It is happening and we are doing little about it.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Would Bulgarian be easier than Serbian (BCS)?

I guess for you Serbian will be easier to learn because Bulgarian ts a little bit difficult that Serbian i know Russian for example and of course for me will be more easier Bulgarian because the two languages have the same alphabet Cyrillic i can read in Bulgarian but i cannot understand


my male gsd is turning 5 months tomorow and his ears are not up yet! i am very concerned and i dont know what to do, i really do not want a gsd with floppy ears! there are times especially when he runs they stand up or flop around halfway up or so but still fall down eventually. i am very worried, any help would be greatly appreciated.

What does “A disk read error has occurred” mean?

Do you have a Windows install disk? If so, you can use it to repair hard disk errors, and run chkdsk to do a full scan for bad parts of the drive and mark them for non-use.

Your trust someone to take over the finaces when on chemo and they dont is there legal protection?

they dont pay anything and then abandon the family is there legal ramafications to abandoning a mother and child when she is sick .. isnt it illegal to leave a disabled person or child homeless in this knowledge after making the commitment legally and financially?

Where do Macedonians and Slovenians come from?

Idk why but I find Yugoslavia to be an interesting topic. That being said, where do Macedonians of Yugoslavia and Slovenians come from? If you look at the other Former Yugoslavian countries (Bosnia,Serbia,Croatia,Montenegro) you see that their FIRST states were formed MANY years ago, even before the year 1000 AD. But with Slovenia and Macedonia, it shows (for example on wikipedia, and i know wiki isn't the best source) that Slovenia and Macedonia got their independence in 1991, which is just 20 years ago. Before the whole Yugoslavia era, and even before the ottoman empire, where did Slovenians and Macedonians come from? It seems that Bosnians, Croatians, Albanians, Montenegrins and Serbians have been in that area of south eastern europe of hundreds of years, so where did Slovenians and Macedonians come from?

Is this a ok gaming computer?

That was a respectable machine 5 years ago. Now it's a little long in the tooth. Although a modern gaming machine doesn't need to be anywhere near as powerful as John imagines these days you want at least a dual core or preferably a quad core processor of a similar speed. You'd probably also want at least double the RAM, and again, at least 4GB would be better, and a faster graphics card. Looking at that system I'd suggest it probably isn't worth upgrading and a new base unit is the way to go. A machine that is several times better than this in all respects, and adequate for the games currently on the market can be had for under $400 if you shop around.

I don't really date girls that are too mature. is that bad?

Believe me, there are a lot of girls who are like the way you described. You might as well be going out with my friend. Haha. You should know what I mean after answering my question. BTW shes told me the same thing about Jiffy Lube XD

Error while installing Windows XP Pro SP3 on HP Compaq 6730s. Please help me?

Did this computer come originally with Vista or Windows 7? If so, you need to find some XP drivers for your motherboard and see if this will help.

Were these massacres/ethnic cleansings genocides?

yes genocide simply means mass killing of people of a certain kind - which may br racial or ideological or political. You should also add the Holocaust - 13 million

Girls can you please offer some advice to a guy?

I feel I have have been led on by several girls in the recent past. They seem to have enjoyed spending time with me, one girl even asked me to go snowboarding twice with her after we had been surfing and insisted on paying for everything including meals and drinks and driving (a two and a half hour drive each way). I had paid online for lift tickets each time, but still. I do my best to hide my feelings but when I do show them I am left abandoned. Should I devote my life to my career; is life supposed to suck like this?

Would my kid be able to know both languages?

Okay so i was wondering about this...Im fully Bosnian (european) and im married to an american man and he is not mixed with anything .. and i was wondering would my kid be able to speak my language (bosnian) at all? or would he/she just speak english? how does this work lol ? if not and i was to teach him/her would they pick up the language fast and easy? Thank you

URGENT! What do I feed my baby Zebra Finch, the parents abandoned them!?

Water and finch bird seed is what they need. Perhaps the parents stopped feeding them to get them started eating on their own.

Windows 98 wont let me wipe hard drive?

Instead of trying to format the disk run FDISK from the command prompt and delete all the hard drive's partitions, you'll have to reboot after this to make the change permanent. Have you tried wiping the drive through the Windows setup program that it automatically runs? You shouldn't need to use the command prompt first to do this. If all else fails, download and burn a live Linux CD and use that instead.

Help! my Dad's 50th! Birthday is next weekend! What to do?

Don't know what to send birthday gift? It's selection here. Although don't know your father like what kind of birthday gift, but I believe, he must be very like you to send his things.

When i boot my system it ask me to hit f1 key to boot window xp why?

although i do not have floppy drive but it give me a message as floppy drive error (40) message when i try to boot xp. will this problem be solved by changing the cmos battery

Lost password, need help ASAP!?

I have a 1998 Tecra 5000cdt Toshiba laptop and i lost the password required to wake up. I've been locked out my computer for 2 1/2 years. i cant seen to crack the password. Also i don't own a floppy disk and i might need to crack administrator password since its been awhile. Please help and I have very important files on there.

What is the use of Floppy Drive?

Write Protected means that the you have to unlock it, but sliding the the plastic knob from LOCK to UNLOCK on the disk itself.

How to translate the following sentence in Spanish using imperfect tense?

It is se iban because the verb "to leave" is "irse" (reflexive verb) so you're using the reflexive pronoun, not an indirect object pronoun.

My USB Floppy Drive will not show up in BIOS?

Any ideas as to why? It works fine in another computer, but it won't show up in bios, so I cannot load any of my files during windows install.

Dobermans ear cropped aftercare?

I have pits and there ears are cropped also so I know how to is. But to answer your question is they leave the stitches in for the 10 days with nothing on them and then when u go back in they will take out stitiches and then tape them. If your vet is like mine they will keep them taped till they stand. My pits got the ears done at 3 months and we were at the vet every other day getting the ears fixed because sometimes the tape will cut the ear or the dogs pull the stuff off that they use but we stopped taping my dogs ears at 5 months old and the female her right ear to this day (almost 2 years) will not stand the male his ears stand perfect but the vet told me that when u neuter/spay the dog the ears will stand better. Also not sure about the peroxide cause my vet gave me stuff to put on the ears and i didnt have to do anything for them. Good luck...

Please yahoo answers be useful ?

Yes apply for welfare! & section 8. I'm pretty sure you will get something! Also apply for college because it'll probably help you get more if they see you're a college student with loans. Scholarships & grants will be plenty available to you. You sound like a wonder person & I will pray for you. <3

Was the Bosnian Genocide a true genocide, or just a war?

Just war, their goal wasn't to commit any type of genocide. It just looks that way from a neutral standpoint.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Nec versa 4050h what operating system can i use?

i have a nec versa 4050 with a very low amount of ram 16 mb it has win 95 and sopmething that says 4.00.950b im guessing that means 4 gigs hd. i would like to run something like linux or unic on it to make it faster and also get it online theres no modem in the side no usb and only a floppy drive leaving out anything i know how to do. My questioon is what can i use for an operating system and a link to download one would be cool as im a noob and how do i get it online i have high speed internet and cant buy a modem as there crazy high and it also would not work. as i only have ethernet lines and wirless but no usb. thanks for any of your time

Can my cat die from dehydration ?

My 2 year old cat ( boy ) i think is dehydrated because I don't want him to die I was wondering do I take him to the vets. He has been not drinking any water he won't eat as much he has lost Wight and he's very floppy xx every time I pick him up and then put him down he just flops onto the floor please help me xx :(

Should I go to Job Corp this this year instead of returning to High School?

Alright, I will be 16 this August, and my Aunt mentioned Job Corp to me. Here is what has been going on in my life the past year. My mom, has basically abandoned me and my little sister. We are fine because we are with our father, and he takes very good care of us and provides any thing we need, and is very concerned about our education. I attended 7th grade two years ago, which I passed, but have not since then returned to school.. It's a very complicated story, and I won't go into detail.. But I can tell you that it was my mothers fault. It was her responsibility to make sure we were in school/have a ride to and from school etc... She never handled any of that. But on with the other stuff.. We do not associate with her any more. I am very frightened at the thought of returning to school, and not knowing how to do any of the assignments, or school work. My Aunt has always been here for me through thick and thin. She is one of the people I respect the most out of my whole mothers side (they are sisters) She also is in law school studying to become a lawyer. She was previously a nurse. She mentioned to me, that I could consider Job Corp, and sent me a link via my facebook page. I have read over the Job Corp official page, and have read all of the details about the center that I may be moving to if I decide that this is what I actually want to do. I'm really trying to get my life back together.. I feel like I'm never going to get any where, or have any form of education, and I'll end up working at a fast food restauraunt.. This is why I'm asking you. The Job Corps page said that they can help me earn my Highschool Diploma/GED. And give me job training, and afterwards help me get into a college. This all sounds so great, and it sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to get back on track. So basically what I'm asking is.. Should I sign up for Job Corp this year, and give it a shot? Or just return to highschool and wait another four or five years to get my Diploma. Keep in mind that the Job Corp program takes any where from 8 months to 2 years to complete. I want to choose the one that is best for my education and future.

How do I get legal custody of a dog that has been at my house for over a month?

I've been taking care of this dog which racks up some pretty expensive care taking. Shes been abandoned for 30 days which I think plays a role for federal laws. If it wasn't for the fact that we want to register her with a vet (unlike previous owner), we would leave things as is.

My niece is 13 and she is really unpopular at school. What should I do?

I guess tell her to straighten up, and tell her that half the problem of her being Bullied is most of her fault.

What kinda puppies are these?

I agree with you. I don't think they even have those two breeds in them. Maybe the lab. I see no chow whatsoever in them. I think they may just be really mutts. But if I would guess which breeds they had in them I say maybe a bit of lab or some type of retriever. Maybe some shepherd mix in them. But to me they look really like mutts. I don't mean anything bad about them. I love mutts. Mutts were always the smartest dogs I've owned. But that's just my opinion.

How can i get a cat out of a crawl space?

if the cat comes out try trapping it in a box with the food then try getting a net long enough to scoop the kittens out ? sorry this is all i got my family use to have a cat with kittens in our crawl space if you do get them out try raising them the mom and the kittens try using a flash light to see how far their away try getting a few of your friends to help with this one get a long net have 1 person holding a box with air holes in it then once you get the cat in the net quickly put in in the box and close it try taping it but make sure it can breath then use the nets to get the kittens put them in an other box the drive or walk home open the box let the kittens and mom out make sure its a nice and open room and run like heck to get out of their and shut the door because shell likely be very mad we had to take in a mom and her kittens several times ( my family ) good luck oh and use long sleeved possibly a sweater and thick gloves long pants and boots so she wont scratch you try using sun glasses to protect your eyes ( i may have got to far on the protective clothing )

Why has the democrat party been the party of war mongers?

If republicans went back to being Conservative it we wouldn't have these wars. The Neo-cons have taken over. Republicans were elected to end the Vietnam and Korean war. This is ridiculous. It is time to vote for someone like Ron Paul!

I want to start running to improve my fitness but I am embarrassed.?

Im the same exact way, i just started back doing it and i was completely embarassed. I wouldnt advise the back road since your a girl, as sad as that is to say. But if you do, most definitely take a knife with you because you never know what could happen. If you go on the highway just blast your music so you cant hear people passing by because people can be mean. But people arent going to do anything to make you feel embarassed because theyll just think ok another person running in the street whatever and not think twice about it.

Doberman ear crop question?

My doberman has cropped ears and they or floppy but he still can make them stand or the ears supposed to always stand or they supposed to be floppy if he is not making them stand

Are floppy hats for beach only?

If you are going to be outside, regardless of where you're going to be, a floppy hat can look really cute. It doesn't have to be for only at the beach. As long as it matches the rest of the outfit and suits you it will be fine :)

I have 2 pc's and I want to swap the hard drives. Both have XP sp3 one is 20 GB the other is 80GB?

Jumpers on both set to CS. took the 80 GB from a Pentium III 930 MHZ installed it in a MS-6378X-L Athlon 1.7 GHZ. Now it won't boot, getting a message "floppy drive failed" referencing the secondary slave drive, which there is none. Any suggestions?

How was Austria-Hungary's annexation of Bosnia Herzegovina a violation of the Treaty of Berlin?

The Triple Entente were angered as they felt AH had violated the Treaty by taking over Bos.Herz. (Bosnian Crisis). How did they actually violate it? also, how did this lead to the outbreak of WW1??

Reasons to not believe in a God?

I've been doubting my religion (Christianity) for some time. Is there a God?, Why should i believe in something I can't see. Why should I abandon faith?. Why do I think there is no God?. Why do you believe or not believe?

Whats the best way for former neo nazis to show that they have abandoned nazism?

I was once enterested in nazism but I have changed my mind on it. I would like to know how best to show Im no longer that person anymore. I was never in a party or participated in Neo nazi stuff. I just agreed it for a time and now have left those ideas.

Is a guy who acts like this insecure?

He does sound insecure, and yes it would be good to ask him why. Maybe he was bullied as a teen or he has had bad experiences with girlfriends in the past and has made him insecure. However if he thinks you are looking at another guy you should make it clear that you are on a date with him and not with the other guys. If he is getting like this on a date just imagine if this guy were your boyfriend?

What is Bosnian Genocide?

I would like to learn more about the Bosnian Genocide. What is it? When did it happen? Who was the perpetrator and who was the victim? How many people died in the Bosnian Genocide?

Why did democrats start or get us involved in these wars?

It doesn't surprise me someone would have to bring up Slavery and someone would bring up Iraq was because of oil! Jesus Christ, does anyone ever research their answers BEFORE the start stroking the keys of the keyboard? Apparently not!

How do you install Linux tinfoil hat on a usb?

Could anyone please tell me how you can install linux tinfoil hat on a usb (or floppy disk if not possible on a usb) in step by step instructions for someone who isn't very good at computer related stuff

Would my kid be able to speak both languages?

Okay so i was wondering about this...Im fully Bosnian (european) and im married to an american man and he is not mixed with anything .. and i was wondering would my kid be able to speak my language (bosnian) at all? or would he/she just speak english? how does this work lol ? if not and i was to teach him/her would they pick up the language fast and easy? Thank you

My 115lb daughter wants to lose weight?

My teenage daughter is 5'10" tall and weighs a mere 115lbs, but she wants to lose weight. Right now, she has a floppy stomach and arms, and flabby thighs, and what I'm trying to explain to her is that she needs to exercise in order to tone her body because she's quite sedentary. She's so insistent on losing weight because she doesn't like the way the body parts look. What can I do?

Need help with floppy hand brake?

Well, you broke something. There are 3 parking brake cables, 1 up front and 2 in the back. If a rear one broke the other will still try to draw the cable back, giving you the appearance of it being "ok". You could also have broken the linkage piece inside the caliper. Keep looking, you'll find it.

Is me being more of a girly girl making a man feel more manly?

Various answers say a lot but what i feel is - You have the pleasing personality and always smiling face even the mood is off . You never allow your companions working with you about your mood and carry on pleasing with every one so every one loves you and likes u utmost . Of course man may think that their lady too should be identical to you as far as temperament is concerned . All are knowing you are a happiest couple so question of showing manliness may not arise but they show their presence as natural preferring yr nod of smile .

Good Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian Turbo-folk songs?

Hey so i just switched my ipod and I have to fill it with songs again! What are some of the best, latest Turbo-folk songs. I'm thinking more along the lines of Seka Aleksic, Dara Bubamara, Ceca, and those types.

What bothers bosnian teenagers the most?

This kid has been harassing me, he acts like he likes me but then the next second he's saying he wants to like idk but what pissed bosnians off?

How can i fix my trackpad buttons on my laptop?

Parts like that pretty much just need replacing when they break, to find out for sure you'd have to take the entire laptop apart, which can be more hassle than its worth lol. I think i would just get a wireless mouse.

Final fantasy 8 gameshare?

I want to get final fantasy viii from the ps store but I don't have money for it and I live too far away from walmart to get a card I was wondering if someone has an abandon account that I can get ff8 from?

What about Russian writing in Latin alphabet?

I partially agree with Scott. SMS in Latin alphabet will be longer then in Cyrillic (140 vs. 50), that is the main reason of it's use. Also there are teenagers, who think it's cool to use Latin symbols, but as for me it's stupid and impolite to other people, who can also read your message. I myself usually do not read russian text, when it's scribbled in Latin not only because I need to waste more time to read it, but mostly because of differences in everyone's way of writing it. The sence in writing in Latin is in using Latin sounds to create Russian word. So, in the phrase 'Menya zovut Sergej' you must not see Russian letters, you must read Latin to create Russian word. Unfortunately, some people often use different transcriptions, or use 'u' to Russian 'и' and 'y' to Russian 'у'. Some of them may change 'ch' (rus. ч) on '4', because Russian word 'четыре' starts with letter 'ч'; number 6 may be placed instead of letter 's' etc. So they got really messy SMS or whatever they've tried to write. You can try to use google translator, it will show your Russian phrase, written in Latin, so you can learn how to read it. But really... are you sure you want it?

Does this sound like a heart problem?

I am 18 years old, male. I have panic and anxiety attacks, and I have OCD, ADD, and Aspergers syndrome. My father was diagnosed with a floppy valve in the 80's, It creates no symptoms. There is some heart proplems on his side, but it is all from the ones who smoked. I do not smoke or drink. For the past 2 years, I have been getting heart palpitations, and bouts of irregulat heartbeats. I get fatigued easily ( even from getting off my couch) which cause about 10 minutes of rapid heartrate and mild shortness of breath. Once in a great while I will get a dull pain, or a sharp sudden pain on the left side of my chest. Whenever I have gone to my doctor, my blood pressure has been healthy and he has detected no abnormal heart murmors or heart sounds. Please note: I have hiked about 4 mountains the past 2 years and those hikes have not produced any kinds of chest pain or heart palpitations. It mostly happend at rest, and rarely happens during exercise. When it does, i get mild palpitations. I also have severe acid reflux disease, I got it from my mother. Does this sound serious to you? Should I see a cardiologist? If it helps I am 6 feet even.

My cat hasnt pooped in three Days! Help please.?

Me and my friends recently saved two new born kittens. They are about five days old now. The little boy has pooped several times since we have had him. But the little girl has only gone once. It took her two days for her to poop the last time. But we are going on day four now and I have done every thing I can to get her to go. We have wiped her bottom. The thing is, is she eats a ton and pees all the time. But her tummy seems to be very bloated. We are also bottle feeding her and I don't know if that has anything to do with it. There mommy had abandoned them. I don't know whether to take her to the vet or what. Is there something I can give her to make her go! I need some suggestions please. I don't know what else to do. I am getting very worried:(

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I want to start running to improve my fitness but I am embarrassed.?

I don't think you would feel comfortable running along the abandoned road, there is a reason your parents drilled the 'stranger danger' stuff into you and if you twisted an ankle or something and couldn't walk you might be hard to find. Your dog might be able to keep up with you but consider they have to train to be in condition too. It might be best not to put the dog through that, especially in the summer heat. A miniature poodle can't really protect you. I suggest you run along the highway (facing the traffic) and believe me, when people see a runner, they admire that they go out and run and get exercise, not what you could possibly look like. Good luck!

What to do about a clingy friend/ Am I over-reacting?

Maybe it's time to not be friends with her anymore. Don't give her anymore advice if she won't take it, it's a waste of your time. Just tell her you are not concerned about her problems when you have more things on your mind, like your medical problems. I don't think she is a good friend and I think you should cut her loose.

Chinese old-school sneakers?

does anybody know what was their name? they were white, with red stripe, thick bottom, deep, looked like converse shoes but a lot cooler? I think converse were actually inspired by these. am I wrong? they were extremely popular in ex-yugoslavia, and I know their name in bosnian/serbian/croatian (sangajke), but cannot find anything about them. help?

One of my dog's ears all of a sudden just started bothering her. Please help asap.?

Hi, my mom just got back from walking our dog...about 15 minutes in she started acting like she was experiencing some discomfort in her ear. Shaking her head about constantly as if trying to dislodge something from her ear. She wasn't even able to get any of her business done outside b/c of this. This happened out of nowhere, she was not exhibiting any behaviour of discomfort until this point. My mom hypothesized that perhaps a bug flew in, even though she has very floppy ears but she had nothing else to go on. I examined the inside of both ears and they look fine. She's acting normal too, licking us and wagging her tail about. But she's still shaking her head, and we can tell her ear (we're not sure which one) is still bugging her. We know her ears are clean, we take her to the vet regularly and they always tell us how clean her ears are. Is it time for another vet visit? Or is it really nothing too serious? We're also thinking perhaps a bee stung her or something. Really don't know. Any tips or advice would be helpful though, thanks.

My boyfriend has NO sex drive!! help?

hi, iv been with my boyfriend for nearly 3 years and we are like best friends and i love being with him but the only problem in our relationship is he has NO sex drive, his penis has a totally different brain because he goes hard but then when were having sex we could switch positions and he will go floppy suddenly and wont go back up no matter what i try to do. i really need help because were having sex like twice a month because it seems more hassle then its worth!! HELP!!!

My baby Zebra keeps opening and closing her/his beak, and won't chirp?!?

My baby Zebra Finch we have been hand-feeding her for 2 days now as the parents abandoned her/him. Though usally she is chirping but I thought that when u give them food then they chrip but before feeding and after feeding all she does is open her beak and close her. Is she/he just tired after eating? Is something wrong with her/him?

Can anyone help me figure out what language this is?

I saw a conversation on Facebook where one person said this: "nek i nasi ima. razumijem eg. al tesko pisem poz." and when another person asked what it meant, he told them... but not what language it is. I feel silly asking because I don't know the person who said it. Does anyone recognize it? According to the person who said it, it means "nice to see someone else out there." or something like that. Oh a whim, I put it into Google Translate and it said they currently can't translate Bosnian to English. Is that what it is???

How should I stay motivated to finish my novel?

I've been working on this book and I'm almost finished with it--but I just feel like I'm not connected with the story, you know? Sort of like writer's block, but I just can't shake it. I've written almost 200 pages of the book, and I don't want to abandon it now.

American getting married to Bosnian?

Im an american citizen currently living in Germany, I want to move back to the states though and with my fiancee that is from Bosnia. Does anyone know if we get married, does he automatically get the american citizenship or how we would go about doing that?

Even if you have a high metabolism...?

Even when you possess a high metabolism, do you still get a floppy stomach and thighs if you don't exercise to keep your muscles toned?

Even if you have a high metabolism...?

Even when you possess a high metabolism, do you still get a floppy stomach and thighs if you don't exercise to keep your muscles toned?

What is the downside of democracy?

Democracy is the downside, USA is suppose to be a Constitutional Republic. It used to work pretty well. Then a whole bunch of nutcases took over here as well.

What's the best computer with these parameters?

What kind of computers are available that aren't proprietary (I don't want no Dell, Gateway, E-Machines, or other proprietary computer product family), is a regular size rather than slimline (because I hate having to connect smaller plates onto PCI cards to make it fit, and hate having to make sure that devices I'm about to get are slimline too), has Windows 7, has a processor with between 4.7GHz and 5.2GHz, has between 4BG and 8GB of RAM, has a 3 TeraByte hard drive, has an integrated (onboard interface) NVIDIA Quadro card with a VGA port and a DVI and a DisplayPort, has the best integrated (onboard) Creative sound card (that has a lime green colored jack for Line-Out or Front Speakers or Headphones, a pink colored jack for Microphone, a light blue colored jack for Stereo Line In, an orange jack for Subwoofer or Center out, a black jack for Rear Surround Speakers for 5.1 and 7.1 systems, a gray jack for Middle Surround Speakers for 7.1 systems, a gold jack for Midi / Game port or Joystick, and other jacks, if there is any other existing color coded jacks that I haven't heard of before), has a 12X Blu-ray ROM Drive, has integrated USB 2.0 ports and Firewire ports and PS/2 ports (I mean newer types of PS/2 ports that appears on NVIDIA cards that has some extra small holes for more pins to fit in that u can't really plug a PS/2 keyboard or mouse into, but instead for green and blue and red AV Component cables to fit in), comes with the newest Microsoft Office already registered, comes with Autodesk 3ds Max (with AutoCAD) already registered, comes with a DVI monitor that has speakers built into it (built-in meaning that I don't have to plug speakers into the monitor because it's in the monitor) with the green colored speaker cord and the pink colored microphone cord on the DVI plug, comes with an optional Stereo Line-In device (with a light blue plug, so people will know that it's supposed to be plugged into the light blue jack in the sound card), and even comes with a PS/2 to USB adapter and a USB to PS/2 adapter and a VGA to DVI adapter and a DVI to VGA adapter (if such an adapter like this even exists) and a Firewire to DVI adapter and a USB to Firewire adapter (if such an adapter like this even exists) and other port adapters that help with compatibility and fitting-into-different-ports, has integrated memory card reader slots (for MemoryStick, SD Card, Micro SD Card, etc.), has a floppy drive (even though that technology is almost extinct), has a built-in wireless modem (so I can access Wi-Fi without having to install my Netgear USB wireless adapter), has AGP and ISA and PCI and PCI Express x16 and PCI Express x1 slots, and has the best chipset for internet (especially for the sites that can slow down most old computers) and video games (especially for high quality video games that can make most standard video drivers crash, making u have to restart the computer in order to get the monitor to display again). That's my dream computer. And I was wondering what kind of computer would meet either all or most of those parameters of mine, and wondering what stores in California in Alameda County (or close to Alameda County) would have this type of computer, and what it would cost.

I need help on taking care of an abandoned bird egg!?

So a nest was raided and 2 baby blue eggs were left behind on the ground. I need advice on how to care for the egg and what to feed the chick when it hatches! Please help. (:

What bothers bosnian teenagers the most?

This kid has been harassing me, he acts like he likes me but then the next second he's saying he wants to like idk but what pissed bosnians off?

What does this dream mean?

11th commandment, "Thou shall not Troll". by the way did you know there were 2 sets of commandments in the old testament? One from 3k years ago and one from 2500 years ago and they conflict.

Obscure video game (can't find info about it online)?

I remember looking through a video game magazine in the 90's and seeing an advertisement for a video game that had a very unusual name. From what I remember, the cover art for the game displayed an-almost demonic figure, pale faced figure dressed in all black, with a huge black hat on (similar to the WWE Undertaker's hat, but way bigger and floppier looking), and he was holding two huge swords in each hand. I thought the name of the game was "Chakka" or "Charakka." Does anyone know what game I am referring to?

Any good war documentries about the bosnian war?

I have a friend from Croatia and i am american. He has told me some horrific stories of growing up in a warzone 1992 to 1995. I would like to do some more research on this subject. I was wondering if there was a documentries that teach you everything about how the war started, during the war and post war. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Is these good horror movie plots?

I would rate the first one 6/10 and the second 5/10. They're not too bad. It's just that I don't really know too much about the story, just how it starts. And I feel like we've heard these types of plots before. Don't let that keep you from imagining new ideas though!

Can you prove in court that someone committed slander on you through Facebook emails or status messages?

A man is harassing me by putting on his Facebook status all kinds of things about me being a wh*** and abandoning my son when really he tore him out of my arms and kicked me out. Can I get him for slander or at least harassment?

The domino theory was used to justify united states involvement in the?

None of the above. It's used to explain why pizza, with its Greek origin, is often attributed to Italy. Sadly, nobody seems to get it to this day, and I blame Pizza Hut rather than Dominos for the discrepancy.

Why do some holland lops have pointed ears? Is this rare?

I recently discovered that my bunny was a holland lop with "airplane ears" instead of the usual floppy ones. Why does this happen? is it uncommon?

How much is it to vet a free kitten?

I want to thank you for posting this. I have always been curious about the cost difference between adopting and finding a free kitty. My husband and I had long discussions before deciding where to go to get a cat. I always thought the $100 adoption fee seemed crazy, but it didn't matter when I found my Emmy and Katie cat. I would have paid more for them. I had no idea of what the vet costs would be.

Where are abandoned haunted places in Ocala, fl?

I wanna know where to do a little ghost hunting around here...Im not having much luck with sources...

Help me decide on my team for Pokemon Pearl?

i think you should give up kadabra,floatzel,gyarados,sneasel,and haunter or do you want to trade il take some all i need is your friend code mine is 2623 4072 9374

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Do you think its shameful to do a runner?

Its not cowardly at all. We are hard wired for fight or flight. So how could successfully eluding your enemies and living to fight another day ever be considered cowardly? I think it was a brilliant and effective tactical decision which demonstrated your field worthy military acumen and judgment. Bravo.

Problems installing windows again?

I would try and find your old copy of Windows XP and try to reinstall it on the computer If not then you most likely will end buying a new computer. If your computer is 5 years or older then I would just buy a new computer doesn't matter If its a desktop or laptop.

Anyone know where I can find an old Beauty and the Beast game?

Back when Floppy discs were the cool thing. about 15 years ago I guess. My grandparents had this Beauty and the Beast game. it was a comp game and it had several different games in it, where you match things or find things. I dont remember much about it, and my grandparents are both passed away now. Its just something that reminds me of them that I would like to find...

Biological Dad VS Step Dad...In A Parental Crisis!!?

You're right not have anything to do with the father ever again. If when he is out of jail, he starts to take interest, then let him. He will try it to get to you and see if you will let him back in your life. There might even be a custody battle. Be aware. That is how he will try to get you back. Sounds like you brought stability back and that is what the child needs. Don't give in. Stay with your feelings they are right. Mothers usually get custody because of a tender year law. You don't need a deadbeat for a Dad.

Ok .. Heres a weird one. I have a laptop and no floppy drive, I want to boot up to command prompt so i can man?

There are many discs out there to do this. The Ultimate Boot CD comes to mind. If also has a lot of disgnostics installed to the point actually finding the DOS command prompt in the menu system is not immediately obvious, but it's there if you look around. a href="" rel="nofollow"

Could this be a sign of sickness?

So for the past few days, I have been extremely overwhelmed. I just found out that my dad might possibly have cancer and for the past few days, I honestly feel like I'm living in a nightmare. Nothing seems real except I know it is. I've started feeling lost, abandoned, and also sick. My mom and I have always got along but for the past couple days, I feel like she doesn't know me at all and that she's judging me. Once in a while, I'll feel nausiated and dizzy, but I haven't actually thrown up at all. I was just wondering if my feelings emotionally could be a symptom of a sickness or what not. So basically, I'm dizzy, feeling lost, abandoned, and misunderstood. Thanks to any helpful answers!

Some good story ideas, please?

The girl thinks he is very nice and decides to take him home because he has just moved to this country and has nowhere to go. After they get home he realizes that she owns an art gallery so he goes there and gets inspired to start painting. Basically he is an amazing artist and he quits his job and earns a living from his art. The two eventually fall in love and get married. Just a random idea, good luck with your story!

How can I at least show my feelings for my best male friend?

He and I are thirteen-years-old. We both have very tough lifes over a parent abandoning other parent around birth, though mine is super weird including that this time the mother was who abused the father and then left. There are also other things that he and I only talk to each other about. We're both made fun of often in school. Sometimes I sort of fantasize about him. I'm not sure if he likes me more than a friend in ways, as I've been getting mixed signals. I'd like to know how can I tell him how I feel about him, express some of my feelings towards him, and possibly ask him out.

Good ways to learn Serbian/Bosnian/Croatian?

Hi. I would like to become good at Serbian by the end of this summer. How can I do this for free? What is there online? I really want to become fluent eventually, but understanding and being understood are my most important objectives right now. Are there any free/cheap classes in the Chicagoland area that you might know of?

Can anyone help me figure out what kind of flowers these are?

At my grandmas old house she had these flowers growing everywhere. They were very pale pink and had floppy petals and the thing I remember most is that they always smelled like earl grey tea. I think they had yellow pollen in the middle but I honestly cant remember. I googled pink flowers but couldnt find them. Any ideas?

The disease of Christianity is so strong that it has brainwashed even Europeans but.....?

Most of the western world is secular now. Religion at least in the western world is a personal matter and has no place in how nations and laws are dictated.

Physics Problem, What is the linear speed?

A 3.5-inch floppy disk in a computer rotates with a period of 2.00 * 10^-1 sec. What is the linear speed of a point on the rim of the disk?

Should i get an exorcist? and if so, where?

hey. i'm quite positive i have a ghost in my house. my home alarm goes off all the time, for "no reason" i screwed around with an Ouija board, that actually worked. it was freaky, and said it watches me and that it doesn't like me. sooo then i did some research and found out that Ouija boards are against the bible, so i let them in. but, i didn't really start it. we've had problems with this thing many times. i've seen a pot fly toward my cat, when nobody threw it. and my mom has seen a "ghost" (demon i suspect) it all started with some creepy/beautiful furniture my dad found BERRIED in an abandon barn. and then my dad died. :'( we're pretty sure it was possessed or something. but, this thing knows i'm scared of it, and it's ******* with me pretty hard. last night, my alarm went off, the police came, didn't find anyone, 20 minutes later, we heard a huge, ground shaking noise, and my ******* power went out. SCARIEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE!! me and my mom left. and went to a hotel. so yeah. this thing screws with me A LOT! i want it gone. my mom does too. oh and i'm a 16 year old girl. not the least bit brave or tough. total scared-y cat right here. please help me.

Should I buy new laptop?

Wow, that's old, in laptop age. If it were a desktop, I wouldn't say that, but yeah. If the hinge is broken, it can wreck the screen, it happened to one of my friends. My laptop died after less than a year.... But you should probably replace it, rather than fixing it, something else could go wrong, and probably will.

Being a surrogate mother to wild animals?

vet would need to make a good environment and have a husband as dedicated as you are to animals.

How do we stop our dog from chewing on things when we go to bed or leave the house?

Puppies need a lot of training n you need to find time. What you can do Is get a crate n put her in with a toy n leave the room see wat here progress is . Then u can get a camera n record her wen she is alone in a room . Keep on taking her out ever hour until she gets it. Eating poop is sumthing u can't really stop her for doing, just keep feces away from her as possible. Oh n for the recording her alone , see wat she does leave a lot of chew toys around the room and the instant you see her trying to bite anything not chewable get in the room and make a Loud noise. Do this over n over. Rember wen they r puppies try to keep them in one room till they get properly trained

Is Bosnian a nationality?

I was born in bosnia, then i moved to the us. does that make my nationality Bosnian, or bosnian not a nationality? sorry if this is a stupid question i'm 12 and stupid...

Girl Scout Silver Award Ideas?

My partner and I are trying to do something to help abused/abandoned animals. We need a project idea. I don't think any sort of drive would work, because our project MUST have a long-term effect (very important). So I really am stuck...any ideas on a project with a long term effect?

Trying to remember this old toy from late 80's to early 90's?

I remember these little plastic toy animals that as far as I know only were cats and dogs. They had roundish heads and small bodies, but had hair you could brush. The first one I had I think was a dog. It had floppy 'hair' ears on either side. It was white and I think on it's side was a blue ice cream cone. The other one I had was a cat. It was mint green with white hair. This one was a nail polish one. You could use hot or cold water to make the nail polish appear/disappear. I'm thinking their name had something to do with ice cream. If you know what these are, help?

I think Allah does not really care about us...?

I make this assumption from observing many gritty truths about our existences, such as by empathizing with poor people in Pakistan who have been degraded to prostitution and every other decadence to cope with unideal life conditions like hunger, poverty, crime, etc. Furthermore, it seems everyone who does not deserve power has it, and the pious, the hopeful, and the caring suffer as powerless ones. I am sorry, but I do not want to be a loser who hopes that Muslims' dire conditions can be alleviated by a God who so far has been asleep to the miseries--physical or mental--of his people. I hope other Muslims can also realize that God does not care about us, and it is apparent by his lack of support for his believers for hundreds of years. For example, Pakistan, a country founded by his believers, is among the other failed states of his other believers--Afghanis, Iraqis, Bosnians, etc. I can go on forever ranting about the current injustice of Muslims, but I do not have the time, nor the initiative. My belief in God has been reduced to a contingency that if God does exist, he will spare me. I will try to act as a Muslim, half-heatedly at most, but I most likely won't pray five times a day, which I consider to be unrealistic demand in today's competitive environment. Moreover, I have waited for countless years for God to help the Muslims, but maybe God expects more patience from me than I am capable of exerting, and has not responded yet. You may make of this as you will, and offer your opinions.

Please tell me life gets better than this?

i live in a small town. Dead dad, sick mom, my friends all abandoned me when my dad died. My boyfriend asked me why I cried when he died. I lost myself and who I was. I did things I never would of. Things that everyone else was doing that seemed okay. When I did them though I was looked at like a bad person even though no one recoginzed that everyone else was doing it around them; they only blamed me. To the point I didnt want to be here any more. And all they said was to pull the trigger. Everyone hates me. The people who dont realize my mistakes are forgivable. I tried so hard not to be hurt and I tired so hard to be a better person but I cant. I dont know where I lost my self and I just want to know theres better people out there?

Is it ok to take small pieces of railroad rail left from railroad work that has been sitting their for awhile?

There are a couple of railroad rails that are no more then a foot long by railroad tracks that were worked over a year ago. Is it legal to take these small pieces? I think they would fall under abandoned goods.

Why is my Stick Shift loose?

You broke something related to shift mechanism underneath car, would be best guess when you ran over curb. Temperature not the problem. Can't say how much you'll have to wait for estimate from shop.

How do all these 3 genocides relate to religion?

I know these 3 genocides (Holocaust, Rwanda, and Bosnian) have somewhat relation to religion, but could someone give me the short version? Much appreciated! :)

Please please help me find this game!?

I used to play a DOS game a long while ago. In the game, you are basically required to use the little guy ( rounded shape ) to eat your way out. you have blocks that you can slide away from your way, but they also can fall upon you and kill you. it had many many levels and it's very small ( actually i used to have it on a floppy disk !). I know it's a lame description but this is all I can provide! I tried for weeks to find it online with no luck! please, does anyone have any idea?

Unable to boot computer (Blue screen)?

The atapi.sys file contains instructions that tell a computer how to boot up, it can't just be "restored" because it contains settings specific to your computer. I hope you backed up because you will probably be reinstalling windows

Is Job Corp worth attending, and is it a better option then finishing High School?

Alright, I will be 16 this August, and my Aunt mentioned Job Corp to me. Here is what has been going on in my life the past year. My mom, has basically abandoned me and my little sister. We are fine because we are with our father, and he takes very good care of us and provides any thing we need, and is very concerned about our education. I attended 7th grade two years ago, which I passed, but have not since then returned to school.. It's a very complicated story, and I won't go into detail.. But I can tell you that it was my mothers fault. It was her responsibility to make sure we were in school/have a ride to and from school etc... She never handled any of that. But on with the other stuff.. We do not associate with her any more. I am very frightened at the thought of returning to school, and not knowing how to do any of the assignments, or school work. My Aunt has always been here for me through thick and thin. She is one of the people I respect the most out of my whole mothers side (they are sisters) She also is in law school studying to become a lawyer. She was previously a nurse. She mentioned to me, that I could consider Job Corp, and sent me a link via my facebook page. I have read over the Job Corp official page, and have read all of the details about the center that I may be moving to if I decide that this is what I actually want to do. I'm really trying to get my life back together.. I feel like I'm never going to get any where, or have any form of education, and I'll end up working at a fast food restauraunt.. This is why I'm asking you. The Job Corps page said that they can help me earn my Highschool Diploma/GED. And give me job training, and afterwards help me get into a college. This all sounds so great, and it sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to get back on track. So basically what I'm asking is.. Should I sign up for Job Corp this year, and give it a shot? Or just return to highschool and wait another four or five years to get my Diploma. Keep in mind that the Job Corp program takes any where from 8 months to 2 years to complete. I want to choose the one that is best for my education and future. I've been reading a lot on it, and I have came across a lot of negative feedback. Like that Job Corps did not help them in any way, and that it wasted two years of their lives etc.. I mean, if I have to.. I will go back to High School, and graduate.. But I want what is in my best interest. Please help because I have to make this decision before the school year begins in a month and a half.

When did you last use a floppy disc?

whoo when I was like 11 Probably. I'm 17 now. I've been trying to get my dad to get a floppy dick reader too so I can get all the old shizz out of them and put them into the computer.

I found 2 baby blue bird eggs and want to save them...I need help!?

So I was walking outside and found 3 baby blue bird eggs, 2 of them were fine and another one was cracked. I currently have the two that were okay under a heat lamp to keep warm! I want to try to save them but I need advice! Is it true that when you turn the egg the baby drowns inside it? I tried not to turn the egg when picking it up, but I'm not sure if it survived when it fell from the tree or whatever happened to it. And I know that the mother probably abandoned the eggs considering they were spread out over the ground unprotected and without a nest. Do I have a chance of saving the baby birds eggs or no? And did they already die inside the egg when it was turned or fell from the tree or something? Also, I need advice on how to take care of the egg and when it might possibly hatch.

In european futball, can a player play for any other team of any other country?

The rules are similar, inside of Europe if a player is from a country that is a member of the European Union then the person can work anywhere in the EU without a work permit as long as the team and player can agree to terms. (Just as a person from Texas can take a job in New York.) For players outside of the the EU they have to pass certain requirements to get a work permit (the equivalent of a U.S. Green card) or claim citizenship by having a parent/grandparent that was a citizen of that country or whatever requirements that country has to claim citizenship. Each country can set up their own rules for what is required from say a Brazilian to or an American to come over and play for a team in Europe.

Monday, July 18, 2011

How can I join a fantasy league right now?

I want to join a fantasy baseball league on espn but it seems like every league I check are abandon leagues. Please help..

Why do these inbred dogs look like mutts?

this girl I know had an 'oops' litter.. her male busted out of his crate and mated with his mom. Both are purebred Siberian huskies. But their puppies look like mutts. They are now close to a year old and they just don't look like huskies. Some of them have floppy ears, they all have extra fur around their necks and heads making them look like lions, and a few of them don't even have the body shape of a husky. Is this all because they're inbred? Both of the parents were purebred so why did the puppies come out looking like mutts?

Doberman ear crop question?

My doberman right ear is going floppy again we posted it up again today i was wondering if their is anything i can give him to make his ear cartiladge stronger are just make is stand quicker to speed up the process

5 week old Kitten question?

A family friend took a kitten away from it's mother WAY too early, at 5 weeks old, because he was impatient and thought he could take care of it now. He is however, not taking care her at all, and I am afraid for the kittens life. I have another friend who's cat has kittens who are also 5 weeks old, and I was wondering if it would be a good idea to introduce this kitten with these kittens. Will the mom possibly take care of her? Or will she abandon all of her kittens? I just want some opinions. I do plan on getting kitten milk for her and teaching them how to stimulate the poop, but she needs a mom.

Should I carry on with footie practice?

I'm the worst player in my team, but I love football, it's so good. I'm better than everyone who doesn't play football but I'm still the worst plus everyones in friendship groups:/ but there's a few more people joined so if I make a new impression then I could be mates with her. I'm sub for at least half of the game!I'm good in goal though- I've never let any goals in and been in goal for 2 or 3 matches and most of the time I go upfront. But I DON'T WANT TO QUIT:( so which option should I do? OPTION 1: CARRY ON, GET FITTER, USE MY TREADMILL ALL THE TIME SO IM THE FASTEST RUNNER IN MY TEAM AND BE MORE MYSELF TO MAKE MORE FRIENDS IN MY TEAM? :) or should I pick OPTION 2: QUIT AND FIND ANOTHER SPORT AND ABANDON MY FAVORITE HOBBY? I want to prove my dad wrong, that I am NOT THE ******* WORST PLAYER? HELP?:) thankssssss

Good looking people get treated better? Well, I know this girl...?

Because people can be cruel. Tell her to move on to new, less shallow friends. It doesn't matter what she does, these people will continue to be jerks no matter what.

I need to know how to say this is Bosnian?

Molim vas prestanite da hranite mog mačka. Hrana koju mu dajete čini da se osjeća veoma loše. Ako ne prestanete, zvaću policiju.

How wel could a 16 year old lose weight?

Well..If you chew your food well.. it would be allot easier to loose weight.. i hope ur not thinkn that im rude or anything..but that is what i learnt in Biology last weekk :).

Is Croatian understood, without any problems, by Serbian (and "Bosnian") speakers?

The same language...There are more differences between English spoken in England and English spoken in US than between Serbian and Croatian,Bosnian,Montenegrin.(those are more political than linguistic terms)

Why didnt the Bosnian Army fight back against the serbs during the massacres & why didnt civilians fight back?

Am just wondering how come millions of Bosnian-Muslims died under the serbs, couldnt some of those people rise up and defend themselves somehow and take some serb soldiers with them? didnt Bosnia have an army back then?

Help with dry itchy skin?

It's on my breasts just above my nipple. It used to just itch but I scratched it so often that it scratched the skin open and now I have dime sized patches of skin that are red and bumpy. I started applying lotion after I got out of the bath and not wearing clothes that made them itch, and completely abandoned all bras but one because they made them itch. It was getting better after about two weeks. They stopped itching but now there are these little spots up next to them and a little higher up. They're slightly itching. I put some Vaseline on the areas, and it sorta helps. But any ideas what it could be? I would go to a doctors, but I would have to talk to my mom about it, which is not something I've ever done unless absolutely necessary. Maybe once in my life for anything besides lice as a child, and I don't know how anymore. I'm 16. It's on both sides, both on the inside? I'm really frightened about what it could be. Any ideas?

What is the name of the big blue kids book with a bedtime story for every night?

My mom read it to me every night when i was a kid but it was destroyed in a fire and i want to find a copy for my daughter. Its at least 20 years old and had an ongoing story about a runaway pancake people were trying to eat and another one about a cupboard in an abandoned house. There was a different short story for everyday of the year.

My monitor is blank when I boot my computer?

Since you make no mention of any beeps from the system, I'm guessing the pc just boots up fine. If the other card is indeed working fine I'm guessing the cable is the one that's gone kaput.

Do I have a doberman or a miniature pinscher?

I got a little puppy today. the people that gave us the dog said that she is a miniature pinscher but my friend says that shes a doberman. my puppy is 7 weeks and shes really small. She has medium size paws and her ears are floppy. im really scared cuz my mom wants a small dog and won't accept a big dog. pleasee help mee:(

Are there Seventh Day Adventists who are NonTrinitarian these days?

In some of the Facebook discussion groups I am in, I have noticed a growing trend of SDA's who have abandoned the Pagan doctrine of the Trinity. This seems like a good move, since the SDA's have a solid doctrine on the wholistic view of man, and the state of the dead. Anyone familiar with this?

Computer stuck on Windows loading screen?

My buddies computer is stuck on the windows loading screen (the one with the green loading bar at the bottom). it was working earlier but i tried to pull some stuff off MY old hard drive on his computer and it didnt work... since then it wont load the OS. F8 does nothing.. F11 only brings up Floppy, CD drive, and HDD boot options... and then F2 is just the bios. I tried removing the CMOS battery and it did nothing. Another buddy said it was a memory problem, but when it load up it says the 3528MB of memory is OK.. .also the comp. has 4GB of memory so its not showing the appropriate amount ( maybe the MOBOs max supported tho) any suggestions?

I have a robin's nest in my tree with four baby robins in it... and a lot of questions.?

I saw four eggs, and then four babys. This momma has been taking care of them for a week or so now. One of the babies fell out last night or this morning, and I carefully put on a hypo-allergenic plastic glove that's never been touched before and put the little guy back in there and left it alone. I am concerned that this will happen again though, and was wondering if anyone had an idea of a good way to re-enforce it. I was thinking of maybe putting a very shallow cardboard box underneath it to kind of catch the babies if they fell, I've read several places that robins wont abandon their babies because of smell, so I'm not worried about my touching the one, I'm just concerned that if I upset it too much she wont come back. I really want these birds to live, they are such a joy to watch, but there are many children and dogs around and I don't want them to hurt or kill the little birds if they fall, and I certainly don't want the fall to kill them either... any suggestions?

My life is falling apart, and I dont know what to do.?

Im right about to turn 18 years old. And I will be going to school full time in college. Well, i was supposed to be living with my sister. But she backed and, went to a different family. So I will be paying rent on my own. I get my money from the state, because my parents abandoned me when I was young. But they recently said they cant now. I have to move from this shelter right when Im 18, and I have no idea what To do. I have no friends, No parents, nothing. I turn 18 in 6 days. With no money. No nothing. Im so ******. I dont want to be homeless again. I was for years.

Do Bosnian-Serbs and Bosnian-Croats consider themselves Bosnian?

I was wondering if Bosnian-Serbs and Bosnian-Croats consider themselves to be Bosnian or do they lean more toward being Croatian and Serbian,

Human rights violations in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

In the early to mid 90's the infamous Bosnian wars were raging. There were genocides and mass rapes. Are there still any human rights violations today in that country? (Like in the last 5-10 years?) Thanks in advance.

Is it hard for people to understand when you say you're from Republica Srpska? Not bosnian/croatian/serbian?

People will usually think you're from Serbia, isn't that upsetting ? I myself am from Banja Luka, capital of Republica Srpska. But I am NOT from serbia and have never been to serbia. And apparently people from there dont like that its called Bosnia nor they ''speak'' the language called bosnian but they speak (either) serbian or serbo-croatian ...?

Is this a hard life and should i feel the way i do?it is long?

i don't make friends easily because of all biological mom had a heroin addiction and she was an when she had me 16 almost 17 yrs ago my dad got custody of me,and his brother was daing this woman namesd marcia.marcia& my uncle broke up so she asked if she could help raise me since he had no one plus no place to live he said yes.her 2 sons and one daughter were like sibilings,still are.7yrs later marcia introduced my dad to laura her eldest son's ex gf.they hit off and got married when i was 8.we moved,i switched schools.and lost contact with all my friends and my cousin who was in the same grade as me.they had my little sister when i was almost 9.when i was 15 when moved again but i didn't switch schools.that summer my aunt on my bio mom's side of fam contacted my dad saying my 2 sisters wanted to see me so i went and saw mom was completly off of heroin but still drank so she went to rehab.i saw my sister jackie once that i remeber when i was other sister brandi was in prison(been there 3 times=most of my life.)my bro can't seem to stay out of prison but says he would like to meet me.i only know my aunt that got in contact w/ my dad,my bio mom,now brandi and now jackie.we talk sometimes over the phone but my sisters live in hayward so i only see them like every 2 months.i have never felt that i have fit in.i felt like i was abandoned by my bio mom's side of the fam until last summer.i feel like i have control issues because i don't like things to it right or wrong for me to suddenly want to get to know my bio mom's side of the family after not having contact for so long?i have 4 sets families.marcia's,bio mom's side and what is left of my dad's side,and laura's (stepmom) family.i feel like it is impossible to keep track of everything happening.i cannot remember any of my childhood from age it my brain's way of canceling out negative moments at that time?

Why does my dogs ear like flips up so you can see the inside of her ear all the time?

my dog has floppy ears and they always flip up onto her head and you can see inside her ear, why do they flip up? and does it hurt her when it does?

Does anyone know anything about the abandoned Glenn Dale Hospital in PG County MD?

Me and some friends are going to go ghost hunting at the abandoned Glenn Dale hospital in MD this month, but we do not know much about the hospital itself. A couple of resources say that it is guarded by people and you could get fined or arrested for this true and if so is it true for the entire area? Also I would like to know if there is a way around the guards if guards are present. If anyone has a map of the layout of the place or could maybe make one or find one to share it would help out a lot because we are planning on exploring the place at the witching hour. As well, if anyone knows any possible dangers or hazards that I should know about before entering the structure I would be very happy to know. Thank you.

Fathers rights to his kid?

No he absolutely needs to go to court if he hasn't done anything wrong there is NO reason he wouldn't. Have rights to see his child...I've been thru this with my stepkids idk how it is there but in fl if they weren't married when the child was born he does have to go to court to get visitation and such but once he is granted visitation she has NO say of whne and where he can see him...and if he has no history of abuse there she has no reason for him not being able to take his child where ever he wants! U def need to go to court cuz that's ridiculous she just wants control over him! I hate B*tches like that! My husbands ex used to do the same thing and wats really bad is she is the one that ended up loosing custody of the child but then she still has the nerve to run her mouth sayin he's a bad dad becuz he's not rich and can't buy everything the kid ask for!!! But anyways it makes me so mad when stupid women use their kids!!! Right she thinks she's in control but she needs to know she's not!!! He needs to go soon becuz the older the kid gets and he's not around him the more she will influence him and if he doesn't know him and isn't around him he will believe wat his mom says! Good luck!!

Should I consider moving in with my boyfriend?

U shouldnt ask do what is in ur heart if u trust him move with him if not let things go and see what happens

Why don't some dads love their children as much as the mother?

When you grow something inside you, it's pretty hard not to immediately get attached. That said, while plenty of men run off, lots of moms make their chidlren pay for it by metally abusing them. No gender is cruelty free.

Where can i find a song by burl ives called "poor floppy"?

it was a song about a rabbit with one ear up and one down...from the early 1950's on a 78 rpm record

Why do some Europeans exaggerate the presence of Muslims in the US? Why not diversify your immigrant pool more?

Europeans are worried about muslims in Europe they rarely discuss muslim immigration to the US and in fact are not the slightest bit interested in it except when aladin or one of his mates trys to blow something up

Is there a way to transfer files from a floppy disk to my laptop computer?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How do I replace a floppy drive with a cd rom?

I have this 15 year old Toshiba Satellite laptop and I want to replace a 3 1/2 floppy drive with a cd rom. I know I can install one in it but I don't know what kind I can put in. Could you provide details?

What is the history of the relations between Bosnia and Japan?

Ever since the Japanese Tsunamis happened I've been witnessing Bosnians calling other Bosnians for help for Japan, in regards to the help Japan gave to Bosnians during the "war". I'm just wondering what they mean by this.

90's TV Show / Movie Dog - Black & White, Character rides him - like the "Captain" or "Colonial" or something?

there is a dog im thinking of... and i can't figure out where its from!!!! it's like floppy and black and white and a creature rides him... like the "captain" or something. The creature has an eye piece and a stick... and like flops around riding this dog!! its from like a 90s show, like jim henson esq. -- HELLLP!!!

We are Croatian, we married in Kuwait. And divorced. Was it valued internationally, or in US if not attested?

I am Croatian and he is Bosnian and married in Kuwait but never attested it outside of Kuwait nor in my embassy. We divorced after one year. I heard that marriages of foreigners in Kuwait dont have value in US and some other countries if not attested outside of Kuwait, so technically it was never valid outside. Is this true?

What is the difference between Floppy Disk & a Hard disk?

A floppy disk is one of those square things that people used to insert into their computers. Floppy's are not used very much these days and most computers are not built with floppy drives. Hard disks are the metal boxes inside the brain of your computer which contain all you're files on the computer and your computers operating system. Hope this helps! :)

If you were in this situation....?

Honestly, I'd never abandon my animal. It'd be my fault that the horse was there in the first place. I'd take responsibility for my actions and protect both my horse and the bull as much as possible. The rider did abandon their horse. I understand that they saved themselves, and every other rider has done/will do the same to my knowledge, which is why I don't do rodeo. I don't like animal cruelty.

Owner of abandoned house?

The Land Register will almost certainly record who owns it. It costs a small fee to check it. As for laws about ownership, the owner of the house still owns it, even if it is abandoned.

Dog with ear infection?

well i have a beagle dog and she has floppy ears and her one ear feels like the inside is swelled up and she keeps scratching it and its real dirty and smelly i cleaned it out but it smells terrible what should i do

Why do so many people abuse animals and what can i do to help these poor animals?

Have you guys seen on Youtube..the story of the Bosnian girl throwing puppies in the river, or people tying their dog up to a tree and leaving it there to rot!? It seems like people love to hurt animals. Like they get kicks out of torturing innocent creatures :'( after I saw the video of the Bosnian girl throwing baby puppies in a river I started having nightmares. Its so disturbing and the only way i can sleep better at night is if i start to help these poor animals in some way. How can i help?? How does one go about helping abused animals? And is there a place where they have crippled cats and dogs up for adoption?

HELP!! i found a baby robin on the ground and its abandoned?

i found this baby bird on the ground that cant fly let. its mom abandoned it and it has a broken leg. ive been feeding it crackers mixed with water and a couple worms i found. i dont know what to do. please help!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Theoretically speaking how much faster would science progress if we abandoned all morals and ethics ?

How much faster would science progress if we put all of our resources into scientific research and abolished all human rights to allow for better testing ?

What would be the first think you would say if. . .?

. . . you were a homeless teenager, sleeping inside an abandoned house, and suddenly a teen girl walked in (the homeowner) with a pistol?

What are the best ways to care for my cacti?

The tilting one is getting too much water and may be dying. You should water cactus plants only when the pot, when lifted, feels empty and light. Keeping cactus plants damp is not correct. When they get dry, you water them well, and let them dry out again before adding any more water. Over time, the bottoms will get brown as they age, but a healthy plant stays hard at the bottom, when they get mushy, they are dying. Quit watering the leaning plant completely, be sure it's draining well, put in the sun and hope for a miracle.

Stray Baby kitten help?

A Mother cat gave birth to what i can see 2 kittens, and she abandoned one it looks like, cause she is alway laying around with the other and the abandon cat (that has a messed up its all like swollen) just sits around and wanders all lone some, and its eyes are still shut, =[ =[ what should i do?

I'm looking for the name of a game from about 15yrs ago. It involved 2 cannons trying to shoot eachother?

It was a long time ago. My grandparents had it. Back when Floppy Discs were the big thing. It was just two cannons, I think a red and a blue one, trying to kill the other.. anyone know what this was?? Back when there was a similar low graphics version of Wheel of Fortune...

My question is about an external hard drive:?

Try using your windows disc management: Right click computer manage/storage/disk management. It can fix most errors.


It probably should be right coming from a breeder but better to be safe than sorry. The cost depends on whether they need to do anything or not, so it shouldn't be very expensive at all. I use to put my bunny in just an animal carry cage or a cardboard box when i would take it somewhere in the car and it was fine, just make sure its box is covered with a towel so its nice and dark. You don't need to bathe rabbits as they clean themselves however if you want to you can get special rabbit/small animal washes at a pet shop, dont use any human soap/shampoo

Why do we worry so much about the Bosnian genocide, which involved Muslims being killed, but not worry ...?

How about this as a better question...Why do we worry about Bosnia at all, instead of the war along our southern border and all the dead people (American and Mexican) in Texas, Arizona and New Mexico?

Who are thy bystanders in the Bosnian Genocide?

I am doing a project, and i have been looking for sources that have information about bystanders. I just need a good source where it talks about the bystanders of the genocide, and who they were.

I need help planning a mural?

in my class we were assigned a genocide. my group was assign the bosnia genocide. were are supposed to draw a mural about it. it has to be creative. we want to use the cross for the christians and the religious sign for the muslims. any ideas of a good mural about the bosnian genocide?

How Many Women Raped During Bosnian Genocide?

My teacher told me that Serbs systematically raped Bosnian Muslim women and girls during the Bosnian genocide. I would like to know how many women and girls were indeed raped during the Bosnian genocide? Did Serbs also rape Muslim children in Bosnia?

Why are Serbians so backward?

Why do they love murdering dictators like Gaddafi and support other dictators like Castro and Chavez, in the mean time they support the genecide they committed against Bosnians. Their government seem to be more moderate. What's wrong with these people?

POLL: What's the earliest War you remember from your personal memory?

I remember the very end of Viet Nam and what happened when the whole thing finally ended and the Vets came home and people were mean to them.

Can an australian paramedic work in Bosnia?

I like Bosnia and the people, so in the future i'd like to retire there, but is it possible to still work part time as a paramedic? Is Australian requirements good enough. Im fluent in Bosnian so that shouldnt be a problem.

Depressed please read my question :'(?

Hi everyone please read, I'm 17 male and I been thru a lot people have made fun of me since I was little making fun of my nose and uneven nostrils, my floppy ear one is good but the other is cricit and I'm so depprrssed if only money fell from the sky so I can did this and be more confedent and make friends, I wish there was a place that donated money for nose jobs and I feel sad that I can't be normal I'm a loser and I've turned to suicide multiple times, I feel worthless I wish someone would help me a hero... please does anyone know what I can do? My parents say not too worry but I do worry people call Mr ugly I wish I could be a normal guy :'( I cry myself every night when I go to bed I just feel worthless :( please be nice this is from my heart

If a hamster has babies but abandons them can another hamster foster them?

My hamster's due to give birth tomorrow but just wondering what to do if she abandons them. Can my other hamster who had babies a year ago foster them or is a year too long?

Cant install windows 7 need urgent help!?

i looked up online and that motherboard seems to have some complaints, i think you should just get a different one

Is Ratko Mladic being railroaded by Srebrencia Muslims?

Ratko Mladic is one man and a whole nation is crying foul over what hes done. As a non serbian i would tend to beleive the nation. As for the UNPROFOR's failure to defend the town, the terrain in serbia is more familiar to serbians than to the Dutch. UN's peacekeeping forces have a protocol which does not include shoot at sight like military does. Their agenda is to fire only when fired upon. Hope this makes you think again.

Can an australian paramedic work in Bosnia?

I like Bosnia and the people, so in the future i'd like to retire there, but is it possible to still work part time as a paramedic? Is Australian requirements good enough. Im fluent in Bosnian so that shouldnt be a problem.

Why did my puppy's ears move?

As poodles mature their ears do change, eventually they will stay flopped down, especially after the hair grows out.

How to get a cat out of a crawl space?

I'd say your best bet would be to call your local animal control or shelter. Despite what you may have heard, animal control won't kill or hurt the animals. In fact, the kittens, if there are any, have a good chance of being adopted.

How to wipe clean a hard drive, Windows 98 with no disk burner or working floppy drive?

Does anybody know of a free software to erase data from a hard drive before donating it? I have a Compaq Presario 1235 laptop purchased in 1999 and have tried Eraser and Kill Disk but they either won't work with Windows 98 or need a working disc or floppy drive to copy something to (disk drive doesn't have a burner and floppy drive is dead). I tried DBAN but couldn't figure out how to get it to work. I even did the thing where I got into the setup and set the computer to run from the disc drive first. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

What should I do about my stressed guinea pig?

I rescued two abandoned female guinea pigs. One guinea pig is doing fine, but the other bigger one seems very stressed. She wouldn't eat and would not come out of her house. I gave her to another lady who lives by me and has a lot of animals, my guinea pig is still doing fine, but after reading a lot of info online I am wondering if I should get another friend for my pig, or if I should go get the other guinea pig back, in case the separation is stressing her out more. My friend said the other guinea pig still won't eat and still won't come out of the house and this has been going on for over a week. HELP!!!

Can someone explain my friends personality?

My friend is sort of weird. She has a really hard time communicating with friends, she purposefully avoids those that know her and acts very fake towards her acquaintances. For example there is this girl she is friends with who she constantly writes to on facebook like "I miss you <3" and stuff, but at the same time she talks to me about this girl like she's a freak, she told me she has really uneven boobs and she walked in on her and her boyfriend doing it anally even tho I asked him and the guy said he would never do that. I'm one of her closer friends and even I get skipped out on, she told me she would talk to me on facebook tonight and she's not even on. I'm not angry because I know that this is a product of her social anxiety. At the same time this girls goes to parties, drinks a lot, and considers herself one of the cooler people. Can someone please explain to me this girl? I know she has issues, she was abandoned by her mother at birth...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why are most translators so lacking?

Just out of curiosity, why are so many languages left out of commonly used online translators, such as Google Translate? Many European languages used by millions of people, such as Bosnian, Latvian, and Montenegrin are completely left out. What could be the reasoning behind this?

Is owning a dog at 20 a stupid decision?

It's all up to you. After the dog is an adult and trained, you could still have a social life. It's a good decision at 20 if you are willing to care for it and play with it plenty. If you are going to be out for 10 or more hours socializing, its not recommended unless you can drop it off at a friend's house or a dog camp for the day.

Amy Chua mentions two examples as rare occasions in the West where rapid democratization coupled with widespre?

I would venture to say that every single liberal progressive agenda policy has unintended disastrous consequences.

How do I move a computer program from a CD or Floppy Disk to my computer's hard drive?

Well you don't mention if this are data CD/Floppy or programs disk. If data disks, just insert the CD, go to my computer and copy. If program disks, insert and they should boot up and install.

Why has the democrat party been the party of war mongers?

Lol!!! this will make liberals heads spin. They dont like facts. They will try to spin it on only republicans but in reality both parties have gotten us into needless wars and nation building.

The Sims 2 Downloading Files Problem?

I go to "Mod the Sims 2" site all the time and never had problems until now. This problem could also be that I don't have the Sims 2 on my computer yet because I'm waiting on another Sims 2 game to come in before I load it. I would go on the site, sign myself in, and click on something that I want. I go to download and I get this icon (no matter what item it is) next to the download link that looks like a floppy disk with a smiley face on it. Now once it's downloaded it comes up in my Winrar. So I click any of the item and I get another pop up that says "Do you want to connect to the internet, or a browse" and it gives me options, but I know that something wasn't right. Now the icon next the item once I download is a paper with the icon windows on it. Can someone help me on what is going on? I went to the sites help and it didn't describe my problem. Please don't send me the link to "How To Download File" off that site, I already went there.

What do you think of this bit?

Surely you can get a pony version? In the UK, there are pony versions of pretty much every single type of bit you find - have a look at your tack shop or ask if you can't spot any.

What War in India /Army was this ?

had a dream about two years ago when I was 14 years old about me being in India but i've never been there before. I was in a bathroom in the dream, and I was looking in the mirror and I was afraid to leave out of the bathroom. There was also a mirror in the hallway by the bathroom so when someone passed it you can see. I waited to go out and I saw someone pass it and I went out and it was like a big beautiful palace..there were about 4 women there and one went"OH MY GOD" and the others had shocked look son their face. I asked where was I and they told me that I had time traveled and I was liek what o.o They said that it was like the late 1800s early 1900s and that there was a war going on. I saw a man in the kitchen, itwas like a palace/kongo sort of thing. He was really tall, lean, he was about 6' tall 200 lbs ,he had on a red hat, like the floppy hats that look liek fedoras and he had on a brown jumpsuit looking uniform. What army/war was this possibly? I know NOTHING about India or their wars .. Thanks

Which language should I learn: Bulgarian or Serbian (BSC)?

Bulgarian is not all that dynamic...actually in allot of parts of Bulgaria the language is spoken differently here you can see the dialects that we have a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a i don't know much about serbian language so can't help you there but why not learn both :D

What to do with an untitled abandoned vehicle in my driveway that is not mine-in Texas?

A friend of ours purchased a car from disreputable car dealer without a title, and then he could not renew the registration or inspection, so he parked it in our driveway until he could get a hold of the dealer, but the dealer disappeared. That was 4 years ago, and now our HOA is threatening a fine if the car is not removed. We want to donate it, but we are not sure how to do that without a title or knowing who the owner is or where to locate him/her. What can I do?

Google Groups Broken - nothing updated since June 25, 2011?

Can't find any word from Google, so it's reasonable to assume they don't care about Usenet anymore. Time to get real "newsreader" software and a real Usenet server. People say provides good free Usenet service and I know you can find all sorts of free newsreader software. Myself, I use the inexpensive software and service provided by Forte.

Is it okay for me to feel like this?

So my birthday is tomorrow and i'm going to be spending it alone. At my house. I can't do anything fun like invite my friends over because i'm sick. My dad has to work, my brother is going to stay with our cousins, and my mom has to take my Granny Carolyn to a doctors appointment. So i'll be spending my birthday all by myself while i'm sick. I don't know if I should cry or get mad. Is it okay for me to be mad at everybody for abandoning me on my birthday? Is it okay for me to want to cry?

If someone abandons a vehicle in your yard for over 5 years does that vehicle belong to you?

And if you can't get ahold of that vehicles title in order to get it in your name in order to sell yourself what then. also if there ARE unpaid taxes WHO would be responsible for paying it.

What's Your Story Like?

I've heard some serious horror stories from the LGBT community about being abandoned, attacked, hated etc. I have a great deal of respect for anyone that would stay true to themselves even at risk to their own safety. I'm wondering, what's your story? What was life like for you as a teenager? adult?

Is this a good story idea??????

Hmm...It's definitely original. Really good if it's just a brainstorm. I see a lot of potential in it if you continued to develop it. By the way how does it end?

Is he insecure? How can I reassure him :)?

Yes, he is insecure but there is nothing you can do about it. That is something he will have to change on his own. To be honest, guys like that make me nervous because they can become possessive.

My new Bunny always pees when we get him out of the cage in large amounts?

Without knowing his age im guessing hes a baby bunny.Hes excited or frightened he will pee.He should grow out of the meantime use an old towel folded over on your lap.

Do abandoned photos on photo sites ever eventually become the photo site owners property?

Like on Flickr, Webshots, there are users who have abandoned their accounts. I'm thinking like in 100 years if these website are still around and people have not logged into their accounts in 100 years or so. Will the website owners legally have a right to use the photos any way they want? I know works from Beethoven and other composers after so long become public domain. Same for photos abandoned?

How do I create a Password reset disk?

my laptop screen broke so I sent it away for repairs. got it back, my password won't work, says I need to do a password reset, which requires a usb flash drive or a floppy disk. don't have a floppy disk drive and it won't accept my usb flash drive. any ideas?

How to wipe clean a hard drive, Windows 98 with no disk burner or working floppy drive?

Does anybody know of a free software to erase data from a hard drive before donating it? I have a Compaq Presario 1235 laptop purchased in 1999 and have tried Eraser and Kill Disk but they either won't work with Windows 98 or need a working disc or floppy drive to copy something to (disk drive doesn't have a burner and floppy drive is dead). I tried DBAN but couldn't figure out how to get it to work. I even did the thing where I got into the setup and set the computer to run from the disc drive first. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I need a bosnian translator?

Your cousin loves you and won't let anyone to annoy you. You know how it goes, one leaves, another comes, the same way you fell in love with one, you'll fall in love with another...You're young and pretty. I kiss you [meaning: I love you] my dear, believe me, that's the smallest "annoyance" to me ... I don't ever need people like him.

How to help a sister who is upset about giving up a dog?

The SPCA is a great place for animals. They are also great people. When you go there tomorrow ask them if she could keep in touch with the puppy when the new family adopts him, if they are okay with it. She needs to understand that the puppy with find a new home with other children and be happy. Maybe until it is adopted she could visit with him at the shelter. It never hurts to ask. She could see that he is happy and well cared for. Maybe she could leave one of her old shirts or something with him. It will make her fell better that he can still smell her.

How many people here know what of the dog breed 'Mcnab'?

So I have a dog called a 'Mcnab' stockdog. It's also known as a Mcnab cattledog/herding dog/Border collie. What they are, is a non AKC registered breed (doesn't quite measure up to standards. They vary lookswise too much), that is closely related to a border collie. I got mine from a shelter, and they called her a border collie chocolate lab mix. Then I talked to a lady who breeds Mcnabs and she was positive mine was one. Plus, she perfectly fit all the descriptions online as far as appearance and personality goes. They're usually black, but some are brown, can have prick or kinda floppy ears and have short fur. So, I was just wondering how well known are these dogs? Just say if you knew about them before reading this, if you've met them and your thoughts on them. Just curious. Thanks! :)

Husband wants a divorce because of his kids. How to stop him?

Right now, my husband is trying to leave me and its killing me. We've been married 3 years and have a 13 month old daughter. He moved out 7 months ago and has started the proceedings. The biggest problem in our relationship is his ex wife. They have two children, 20 year old boy and 7 year old girl. She cheated on him and left for another man, abandoning him and their kids. When that didn't work out, she tried crawling back to him and kept trying even after we got married. I didn't want that woman around us at all and I hated the fact that we had to take a portion of our income and give it to her, to take care of a child that she left. She insisted that we take the kids every weekend because she needed some "mommy time" but still wanted extra money. His son acted like a spoiled brat around me, but an angel around his dad. The girl would just flat out avoid me. I would tell him about he the children needed to respect me and he would attempt to fix things but those two still floated around acting as if I didn't exist. Things did get a little better when I was pregnant until about 9 months ago. It was our anniversary so we left the baby with my step-son. We come back and his mother is in my home, changing the baby. He said that he needed help with the baby and called her. He knows that I hate that woman and probably called her to spite me. Of all the people to call, he calls her? We argued and he said he's moving out and did a week later. Then my step-daughter, completely stop respecting me. I would tell her to do something and she would just walk out the room like I wasn't even there. I sent her "mother" an e-mail addressing on why she should live with her, and she forwarded it to my husband who then had the nerve to become angry at me. He said I was trying to get rid of her, which was untrue. I'm just tired of being treated like a doormat and ignored by a child. We argued for some months and then he moved out. We were going to counseling until 5 months ago. He said he needed time to "think about our marriage" and now he acts as if he hates me. I think his ex or kids are poisoning his mind because now he's against me. I went to a friend's party on Monday and he was there. I wasn't expecting him to show up, but I chose to leave him alone that night and didn't say a word to him. After some time, I left and I go out to my car to see him and this woman kissing. I confront him and he starts yelling at me. He says that he's on a date and I have no right to make a scene and I say we're still married and need to work us out. He then says that he hates me and that I'm a bad person for all the crap I put him and the kids through and he wants out. I'm not a bad person and I don't believe I've done anything to anyone. I love him so much and want this to work and for us to be a family. How can I make him see that?

Do you have to wear a bra when you are in the house/sleep?

I heard that if you don't then your boobs will floppy. Some say you have to wear it so that it keeps that shape....but i find it pretty uncomfortable wearing it all day if im not going outside.

Why do people always talk about Islamic terrorism and blindly ignore numerous acts of Christian terrorism?

It's called confirmation bias. The mind automatically emphasizes and prioritizes information which confirms already-held beliefs, and is less likely to value evidence which suggests to the contrary. People are stupid is the short answer. And while you're at it, don't forget the IRA, which was funded by donations from american benefactors, as well as the Ulster Unionists. Between them they've killed hundreds of people. And what about the Crusades?

What do I do about being forced to aid my employer in discriminatory actions?

What happened to you is known as a retaliatory firing or demotion. It is completely illegal, especially there are many laws intact just to protect "whistle blowers"-employees who report unfair or illegal practices at the possible expense of their jobs. Here is a law article on retaliatory demotion: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a You basically have a choice of simply reporting it or pushing back with a lawsuit.

How do you all feel about Ratko Mladic?

I'm half Serbian and I had relatives who fought under Mladic and MIlosevic in the war in yugoslavia against Croats and Bosnian Muslims so this news i find really interesting.

Is there anyone who DOESN'T hate America?

It is getting to the stage that the only people who like Americans are Americans as the rest of the world hates them and their country with a vengeance. Your Military and your Foreign Policy as well as your corrupt Politicians and Government are hated by all.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Can I crate new kitten at night?

I think it is okay as a kitten. When I have a kitten at my house I start out by keeping them in my bathroom at night so I can sleep. but I think as the cat gets older to not to just cause cats tend to not like to be closed up in small places.

I sprained my thumb 7 wks ago today. It bent backwards almost like a rubber chicken neck would.?

I wore a cast splint on it for 5 wks. I still can not use it. It has pain and it feels floppy at times. The joint at the base looks bigger somewhat when compared to the other hand. The injury is on my right. Should I return to the Dr., or specialist to be re-evaluated? Or will it heal on it's own?

Am i Pregnant Or Not ?

I Really dont want to jump to conclusions but . I have floppy weight and sore chest the black line on my stomach tiredness no appetite a weird vomit taste in my mouth pain in my lower stomach i get headaches once in a while more energy than ever. i bleed for three days but i usually bleed for 5 days and missed the first two days . it wasn't heavy like a regular period just a small flow . i have bowel movements alot now but not constant.

Old children's pc games?

there was an old chilrens pc game which i think was on a floppy disc it was about small little fluffy creatures of all different kinds of colours thats about all i can remember i REALLY want to know the name im dying here

I need to get away - Would it be selfish to disappear for a month or 2 and leave my daughter with her dad?

I could NEVERRRRR leave my kids. There feelings are more important to me than my own. Im sad for you both.

What is the difference between PS3 slim and PS3 fat version?

Im going to soon make a purchase and the guy is selling the fat ps3 60gb for 350 dollars (converted into dollars from Bosnian KM) and the PS3 slim 120gb for 550 dollars (again converted from KM to dollars). Now what is the difference between the two systems, if there are any at all, and i know the GB difference. so yea... Is the SLim less likely to overheat or some thing along those lines...

Is tractatus logico-philosophicus worth reading?

Is the book worth reading seeing how (from what I've heard) Ludwig Wittgenstein kind of abandoned it and promoted his book Philosophical Investigations over it? By the way, I'm not suggesting it's an easy book to read (it's not), though I need to first know if it is a book worth reading before I attempt to read it. Thanks.

Pass GCSE General Studies with min grade C, and obtain IELTS?

Can someone please explain tome what does this mean?? and if there is someone from Bosnia studying in UK could I please contact them so they can help me??? If someone knows Bosnian, Croatian or Serbian they can explain it on those languages!!

How can i fix my trackpad buttons on my laptop?

Parts like that pretty much just need replacing when they break, to find out for sure you'd have to take the entire laptop apart, which can be more hassle than its worth lol. I think i would just get a wireless mouse.

Is there a good spell checker for IE9?

How did Firefox become unstable? It is a more compliant platform than the Microsoftcentric IE9. Try figuring out what is actually wrong.

I've been really sad all day because my Jewish mentor abandoned me?

The entire day I've been feeling like I'm on the verge of tears... like I want to cry, but no tears come out....

Raising a kitten with a 3-year-old child?

As long as she is gentle and calm, it should be fine. I have a young kitten and as long as your not rough with it, it wont be rough with her. I would watch them together for a while first just to observe their behavior together. Other then that, it should be fine.

Has the percentage of Bosnian Muslims decreased?

After the genocides and massacres and heavy influnce from Europe, is the number of Bosnian Muslims drasticly smaller than the past? or has the number of Bosnian muslims going up, or is it staying the smae as it was in the past..

Is there anyone who DOESN'T hate America?

I am an American girl and from what I hear, we're really hated abroad. The country, the people, the idea, nobody likes us. I know the reasons WHY people don't like us, but I get the impression that no one outside of America likes us (with the exception of my mother, who is a native Guatemalan). No one from outside the country can give me a reason they like America or Americans. I asked my mom, her family, a Bosnian friend, and my Polish friend Peter. Is there any person who likes America or Americans, and for what reasons? I am sad now because I love European and Asian countries and I kind of wish someone would love us too.

My legs and arms have been feeling fuzzy, floppy and buzzy?

There is no human condition for `fizzy and fluffy' so you must be a stuffed dolly or soft toy! However, if you are `gooey and buzzy' too then maybe you are just a sweat, fluffy desert with a wasp buzzing around it

Forgot Password on my laptop?

My grandma gave me her laptop because she forgot her password and cant remember it. She said if I can fix it I can have it. As soon as I turn on the laptop it comes up and asks for a password. I click "forgot password" and it says I cant without a floppy disk, or usb cord. What do I have to do to get a new password to get on the laptop? Thank you.

Why did France make an unilateral decision to strike Libya?

Because TOTAL oil is a French company and they, along with Italy's ENI, and Britain's BP, own most of the pipelines and oil terminals. Also, if Gaddafi wins, those two countries are close enough that they will get most of the political asylum seekers landing on their beaches.

Can i get an abandoned title on a car with a lein?

I had bought a car a couple years ago from a old couple and they had got it from another guy the couple never got the car switched into their names so when I got it I figured I would get it running b4 I messed ith the title or any thing well I moved 6 hours out of phx and I found out that the guy has a lien against it could I get an abandoned title and if so is it worth it or should I just sell off parts

What would you do in this situation?

Home who cares about da essay i would no do it just for NOT going to school have they lost their minds? Also its summer so just lay back and relax

Why can not Yahoo fix their mail problems?

I cannot get into my Yahoo mail the page says "new mail cannot load" error something 14. I cannot even go to old mail, as the page suggests. I have tried everything I can, but still no email access. Do I have to abandon Yahoo now, and seek another browser email and home page? Instructions say to email me when solution to problem is solved, but I cannot access my email. What do I do?

I need some info about the Bosnian War?

When the Bosnian Serb military committed acts of terror including the ethnic cleansing genocide of Muslims and bombing of refugees

I think God does not really care about us...?

I make this assumption from observing many gritty truths about our existences, such as by empathizing with poor people in Pakistan who have been degraded to prostitution and every other decadence to cope with unideal life conditions like hunger, poverty, crime, etc. Furthermore, it seems everyone who does not deserve power has it, and the pious, the hopeful, and the caring suffer as powerless ones. I am sorry, but I do not want to be a loser who hopes that Muslims' dire conditions can be alleviated by a God who so far has been asleep to the miseries--physical or mental--of his people. I hope other Muslims can also realize that God does not care about us, and it is apparent by his lack of support for his believers for hundreds of years. For example, Pakistan, a country founded by his believers, is among the other failed states of his other believers--Afghanis, Iraqis, Bosnians, etc. I can go on forever ranting about the current injustice of Muslims, but I do not have the time, nor the initiative. My belief in God has been reduced to a contingency that if God does exist, he will spare me. I will try to act as a Muslim, half-heatedly at most, but I most likely won't pray five times a day, which I consider to be unrealistic demand in today's competitive environment. Moreover, I have waited for countless years for God to help the Muslims, but maybe God expects more patience from me than I am capable of exerting, and has not responded yet. You may make of this as you will, and offer your opinions.

What does it mean when you have disturbing dreams, but it's normal?

I really wouldn't pay much attention to your dreams. If you're not scared then its fine; I don't think you're depressed or anything you shouldn't take medication for dreaming. I've had some wild dreams myself as long as you don't go on a murdering rampage then you're fine. dreams are dreams.

Does anyone know of any good abandoned buildings in and around Philadelphia that I can shoot models in?

I'm Looking for a good abandoned building that I can shoot female models that is relatively safe. You know relatively safe from loonies and cops, A tall order I know but if anyone has any info let me know. Thanks guys

Please can you help me out...?

Why can't I maintain my weight? I've lost half a stone and I feel terrible and floppy. I think it's because of exam stress. Any tips on how to cope with exams?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Question about bosnians and gypsys.?

Okay so I was in class and I was listening to two of my bosnian friends talk about their weekend and how they went to a carnival and one said to the other, omg their were so many Gypsies there. The other one was like ewee I know. I automatically asked what a Gypsy was. My Bosnian friend said that they were the Bosnians that no one else liked, they were from a different part of Bosnia, they had darker skin and spoke broken Bosnian.. She said I couldnt tell who was a Gypsy and who wasnt but she could because she was Bosnian. She compared the Gypsies to American white trash, how they talk and act different, but american "white trash" isnt all a differnet skin color. Was this a good comparison? Please explainn! thankss. :)

Why would someone use negative propaganda against a whole group of people?

For the same reason that person blocks everyone who answers their question honestly but disagrees. ∠°)

What do you think about Bosnians ?

i am posting a lot more about religion and i want to know what you guys think of Bosnians i dont care if its mean or nice i want to hear what people think about them ?

What to say in Bosnian to the love of my life?

I want to say I'm sorry I lost him, that will always love him, that there is no one like him in the world and that it wasn't our time. Also add some super cute words in Bosnian, and I want to say that he is a wonderful father, that any woman will love a man like this. I don't know how romantic bosnians get, but make it very very romantic :)

What to do? I hate to see this happen?

I have a friend who is actually my ex which i dated just short of 4 years. we started dating young which i know to expect change in a person and was more than flexible to accommodate that change. 2 months ago she broke up with me to figure out what to do for school and about her disease (she was diagnosed with Crohns disease). during those 2 months i kept trying to win her back to date me again, which she seemed like she wanted. a little over 2 weeks ago she told me she loved me and wanted me to buy her stuff. then on the 19th she told me she didnt love me anymore, left me with a broken heart and a lot of debt, and then on the 25th she said she was dating someone else and loved him and she had already slept with him. Over the last 2 months she started smoking and drinking (she just turned 18), which for a long time she had a problem with me drinking and i had just turned 21. Up until then she wouldve never drank or smoked. She only hangs out with her friends from work and people she knows from around work now. She has abandoned her best friends of 14 years, barely talks to them now. She tells me she wants to be friends with me then constantly talks about how she loves him more than anyone ever before, and how she is so happy and how much better he is than me and if i try to talk to her without her starting the convo i am bothering her. I am trying to be the bigger man because despite her being my ex i still love her and she is still my best friend. She and her parents dont have a great relationship, her mother is very controlling, and her dad is there but he usually doesnt do much of anything but i treated her like gold, let her do whatever she wanted (not illegal of course) and the only thing i liked to know is where she was going so that i didnt bother her and if something went wrong i could get her. She has already slept with the guy, which shes only know 2 weeks. she sleeps at his house like twice a week, her mom hates it but she wont listen to her mom. He has a kid, was a former drug addict, has his own apartment, and has a criminal record, but ive met him and he seems like a genuinely nice guy. It is like shes trying to burn down her old life, friends and all for people she barely knows. shes pretty much given up on college too. Is there anyway i can help her see that shes hurting the wrong people and only going to end up working fast food all her life or pregnant or worse if she keeps up this path. I know the person in her that i fell in love with and made good decisions is still in her because just a month ago she was telling me she loves me, and talking about having kids together someday in the future.