Monday, July 18, 2011

Help with dry itchy skin?

It's on my breasts just above my nipple. It used to just itch but I scratched it so often that it scratched the skin open and now I have dime sized patches of skin that are red and bumpy. I started applying lotion after I got out of the bath and not wearing clothes that made them itch, and completely abandoned all bras but one because they made them itch. It was getting better after about two weeks. They stopped itching but now there are these little spots up next to them and a little higher up. They're slightly itching. I put some Vaseline on the areas, and it sorta helps. But any ideas what it could be? I would go to a doctors, but I would have to talk to my mom about it, which is not something I've ever done unless absolutely necessary. Maybe once in my life for anything besides lice as a child, and I don't know how anymore. I'm 16. It's on both sides, both on the inside? I'm really frightened about what it could be. Any ideas?

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