Saturday, July 16, 2011

What War in India /Army was this ?

had a dream about two years ago when I was 14 years old about me being in India but i've never been there before. I was in a bathroom in the dream, and I was looking in the mirror and I was afraid to leave out of the bathroom. There was also a mirror in the hallway by the bathroom so when someone passed it you can see. I waited to go out and I saw someone pass it and I went out and it was like a big beautiful palace..there were about 4 women there and one went"OH MY GOD" and the others had shocked look son their face. I asked where was I and they told me that I had time traveled and I was liek what o.o They said that it was like the late 1800s early 1900s and that there was a war going on. I saw a man in the kitchen, itwas like a palace/kongo sort of thing. He was really tall, lean, he was about 6' tall 200 lbs ,he had on a red hat, like the floppy hats that look liek fedoras and he had on a brown jumpsuit looking uniform. What army/war was this possibly? I know NOTHING about India or their wars .. Thanks

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