Sunday, July 17, 2011

Depressed please read my question :'(?

Hi everyone please read, I'm 17 male and I been thru a lot people have made fun of me since I was little making fun of my nose and uneven nostrils, my floppy ear one is good but the other is cricit and I'm so depprrssed if only money fell from the sky so I can did this and be more confedent and make friends, I wish there was a place that donated money for nose jobs and I feel sad that I can't be normal I'm a loser and I've turned to suicide multiple times, I feel worthless I wish someone would help me a hero... please does anyone know what I can do? My parents say not too worry but I do worry people call Mr ugly I wish I could be a normal guy :'( I cry myself every night when I go to bed I just feel worthless :( please be nice this is from my heart

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