Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is Job Corp worth attending, and is it a better option then finishing High School?

Alright, I will be 16 this August, and my Aunt mentioned Job Corp to me. Here is what has been going on in my life the past year. My mom, has basically abandoned me and my little sister. We are fine because we are with our father, and he takes very good care of us and provides any thing we need, and is very concerned about our education. I attended 7th grade two years ago, which I passed, but have not since then returned to school.. It's a very complicated story, and I won't go into detail.. But I can tell you that it was my mothers fault. It was her responsibility to make sure we were in school/have a ride to and from school etc... She never handled any of that. But on with the other stuff.. We do not associate with her any more. I am very frightened at the thought of returning to school, and not knowing how to do any of the assignments, or school work. My Aunt has always been here for me through thick and thin. She is one of the people I respect the most out of my whole mothers side (they are sisters) She also is in law school studying to become a lawyer. She was previously a nurse. She mentioned to me, that I could consider Job Corp, and sent me a link via my facebook page. I have read over the Job Corp official page, and have read all of the details about the center that I may be moving to if I decide that this is what I actually want to do. I'm really trying to get my life back together.. I feel like I'm never going to get any where, or have any form of education, and I'll end up working at a fast food restauraunt.. This is why I'm asking you. The Job Corps page said that they can help me earn my Highschool Diploma/GED. And give me job training, and afterwards help me get into a college. This all sounds so great, and it sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to get back on track. So basically what I'm asking is.. Should I sign up for Job Corp this year, and give it a shot? Or just return to highschool and wait another four or five years to get my Diploma. Keep in mind that the Job Corp program takes any where from 8 months to 2 years to complete. I want to choose the one that is best for my education and future. I've been reading a lot on it, and I have came across a lot of negative feedback. Like that Job Corps did not help them in any way, and that it wasted two years of their lives etc.. I mean, if I have to.. I will go back to High School, and graduate.. But I want what is in my best interest. Please help because I have to make this decision before the school year begins in a month and a half.

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