Monday, July 18, 2011

Fathers rights to his kid?

No he absolutely needs to go to court if he hasn't done anything wrong there is NO reason he wouldn't. Have rights to see his child...I've been thru this with my stepkids idk how it is there but in fl if they weren't married when the child was born he does have to go to court to get visitation and such but once he is granted visitation she has NO say of whne and where he can see him...and if he has no history of abuse there she has no reason for him not being able to take his child where ever he wants! U def need to go to court cuz that's ridiculous she just wants control over him! I hate B*tches like that! My husbands ex used to do the same thing and wats really bad is she is the one that ended up loosing custody of the child but then she still has the nerve to run her mouth sayin he's a bad dad becuz he's not rich and can't buy everything the kid ask for!!! But anyways it makes me so mad when stupid women use their kids!!! Right she thinks she's in control but she needs to know she's not!!! He needs to go soon becuz the older the kid gets and he's not around him the more she will influence him and if he doesn't know him and isn't around him he will believe wat his mom says! Good luck!!

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